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A collection ofdependency-free React hooks

You do not have to install anything. Simply copy the code in TypeScript or JavaScript and paste it into your project.

Develop faster

React hooks to build your application in no time

Available in TypeScript and JavaScript
It does not matter what language you use to build your project. We give you both alternatives.
Zero dependencies
No more deprecated or unmaintained dependencies in your React hooks.
Compatible with all versions of React
Most of the hooks are compatible with React version 16.8.
Just copy and paste
Simply copy the code and paste it into your project.

New React hooks every week

We have 10+ React hooks with more coming

React hook to track the battery status of a user's device.

React hook to detect clicks outside of a specified component.

React hook to get user's latitude and longitude.

React hook to handle an input element.

React hook to generate random colors.

React hook to load a script.

React hook to manage a video.

React hook to detect if the user's device is a touch device.

React hook to track the dimensions of the browser window.

Proudly open source

Our source code is available on GitHub

Add your own React hooks
Enrich our collection by contributing your own custom React hooks.
Improve existing React hooks
Elevate the quality of our collection by collaborating to enhance the existing React hooks.