A collection of 30+ dependency-free React hooks

All of these dependency-free React hooks are ready for you to copy the code in TypeScript or JavaScript or add them directly via the CLI into your project.

React hook to manage an audio.

React hook to track the battery status of a user's device.

React hook to copy to the clipboard.

React hook to create a countdown functionality.

React hook to create a countup functionality.

React hook to delay the execution of function or state update.

React hook to download a file.

React hook to change the page favicon.

React hook to fetch data from an API.

React hook to detect if it is the first render of a component.

React hook to detect if it is the user's first visit.

React hook to get user's latitude and longitude.

React hook to track when an element is being hovered over.

React hook to handle an input element.

React hook to detect if the user's device is a touch device.

React hook to detect when a specific key or a combination of keys is pressed or released.

React hook to detect the language selected in the browser.

React hook to store, retrieve and delete data from the browser's localStorage API.

React hook to share content through the browser.

Reaction hook to track if user is offline or not.

React hook to track the previous value of a variable.

React hook to monitor whether a referenced element is visible on the screen.

React hook to detect clicks outside of a specified component.

React hook to generate random colors.

React hook to load a script.

React hook to track and manipule the scroll position of a web page.

React hook to extract search parameters from URL.

React hook to create a stopwatch functionality.

React hook to create a timer functionality.

React hook to change the page title.

React hook to toggle a boolean value.

React hook to manage a video.

React hook to track the dimensions of the browser window.