
Reaction hook to track if user is offline or not.

Add the hook via the CLI:

npx @novajslabs/cli add useOffline

Or copy and paste the code into your project:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

type TUseOffline = () => boolean

export const useOffline: TUseOffline = () => {
  const [offline, setOffline] = useState<boolean | null>(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    const handleNetworkState = () => {
    addEventListener('offline', handleNetworkState)
    addEventListener('online', handleNetworkState)

    return () => {
      removeEventListener('online', handleNetworkState)
      removeEventListener('offline', handleNetworkState)
  }, [offline])

  return !!offline

React 16.8 or higher

  • Name

    Represents whether the user is offline (true) or online (false).

import { useOffline } from './hooks/useOffline'

const App = () => {
  const isOffline = useOffline()

  return (
    <div>{isOffline ? 'You are currently offline.' : 'You are online.'}</div>

export default App

Here are some use cases where this React hook is useful:

  • Displaying a message to the user when they go offline
  • Preventing data submission if the user is offline
  • Saving user actions locally to sync when the user goes online
  • Displaying offline-specific content or UI adjustments